The National Congress of Chemistry Engineering

Web portal for congress
CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013 CoNEIQ 2013


The National Congress of Students of Chemical Engineering (CoNEIQ) is an event held annually where they carry out activities such as courses, conferences, technical visits, cultural activities and solidarity, among others.

In 2013, the Congress was held in Bahía Blanca, more specifically in the National University of the South.

Project information

  • February/September 2013
  • Bahía Blanca, Argentina


The organizing committee of 2013 CoNEIQ contacted us to carry out their project. It was very interesting, since there were conceptually different stages involved in the process. That is, it was much more than an information Congress website.

Among the stages are:

  • - Implementation of web platform to provide all information concerning the Congress
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  • - Implementation of a user registration module, thus allowing the registration of students and interested people around the country via web
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  • - Courses and Conferences module, which allows website administrators to load courses, conferences and technical visits, each with a limited quota of participants, and then visible on the web so registered users were able to sign up.
  • - Panel users. It allows each user to view and modify their registration data to Congress, along with courses and conferences to which you are enrolled.
  • - Module for diplomas generation. It allows to automatically generate diplomas, segmented by courses or associations to which students belong. Thus, the task was greatly expedited in the generation and delivery of diplomas.
  • - Development administration panel to manage registered users, courses, diplomas, along with a manager news
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    As usual, the site was fully responsive and adaptable to any kind of resolution.

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